Tourism New York - mazzamurro com

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Tourism in New York

america new york

Flights can be used to get to New York of the airlines with destination the John F. Kennedy International Airport located in Queens 25 km from Manhattan. Or as an alternative i flights arriving at Newark Liberty International Airport, second airport in the New York area, located just 14 kilometers from Manhattan. John F. Kennedy Airport in New York is located in the part Southern Queens, the majority of international flights and a good number of domestic flights arrive at this airport, the center of New York can be easily reached by subway. The terminal has eight operating terminals with 125 ports serving over 70 airlines, Terminal 4 serves international passengers.
new york airport newark
The Newark International Airport is located in New Jersey and offers for tourism international flights e national. The means to reach and visit the center of New York are very comfortable and cheap and the cost of the rental car would not be justified. The airport has three passenger terminals and is one of the hubs of United Airlines and of FedEx Express. The main means of getting around the center is the subway or Subway as it is called in the states United States of America. The one in New York City is one of the oldest and in some places, for example, the size of the galleries is affected, however, the trains are quite efficient and the line is widespread even if it is not easy to navigate the many lines.


Taxis throughout the United States are popular for tourism in New York and represent almost an institution, there are so many and it is not uncommon to see several dozen queued in a traffic light, however their cost is generally lower than the Italian one even if the subway remains however cheaper. Traveling by car in the center of New York City is not recommended, it does not save time, it is not cheap and there are no parking spaces. The type of cars that circulate on the streets of the center concerns taxis or work vehicles such as vans, trucks or official cars. The number of "normal" cars is very low. However, finding your way around the center is extremely easy. Manhattan, is formed by a dense network of avenues, roads along the North-South route and street, east-west direction. Streets and Avenues form 90 ° intersections regulated by traffic lights.

manhattan new york
tourism new york times square
To drive vehicles it is advisable to apply for an international driving license. Since it comes recognized only the second international driving license the 1949 Geneva Convention, care must be taken to explicitly request this model license from the Offices of the Civil Motorization. In the event of an offense with a rental car it is better to pay it immediately and not wait to be back in Italy, otherwise the company will demand a surcharge.

As for shopping, remember that the largest stores are the Departement Stores such as Macy's, perhaps the largest department store of the planet (151 W 34 st) where they can be found especially clothing and household items.
Among the major attractions to visit during your stay in New York we point out, American M. of Natural History, Battery Park, Broadway, Bronx Zoo, Central Park, Chinatown, Chrysler Building, Ellis Island, Empire State Building, Federal Hall, Fifth Avenue, Ground Zero, Guggenheim Museum, Harlem, Little Italy, Madison Square Garden, Metrop. Museum of Art, Museum of Modern Art, United Nations, Brooklyn Bridge, Rockefeller Center, Statue of Liberty, St. Patrick Cathedral, Times Square and Wall Street.

times square new york

Times Square is a square formed by the intersection of Broadway and the avenue, 46th and 47th streets in Manhattan, New York City. On December 31, the square offers one of the most important New Years in the world. The square, to be seen both night and day, offers many shops open until after midnight, as well as many theaters of the famous Broadway. Until the sixties the area was not very busy until the famous New York Times decided to move its headquarters there, from which it takes the name of Times Square. It represents one of the most famous squares in New York City and in Manhattan, photographed and documented countless times. Full of skyscrapers, its perhaps main feature is that of almost be covered entirely of billboards, especially at night the show is guaranteed. Web cam Times Square.
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